Hi everyone,
I am writing a blog for the first time in my life. Solitude always makes us introspect.Thereby I concluded that my mind is overloaded with opinions on the current world. So it is better to use a pensieve to keep these wonderful thoughts never forgotten. I will just take a tour of the happenings and articles which made me look at this world in awe. Not only me, many of you would have experienced these feelings in the same circumstances.
Let me start from my childhood. I was always too happy to see the water coming out from the hand pump. I had to wait for my chance in a queue with my mom and then hang over the handle putting all my strength to draw water. It was a great success in the end. :)Contended sleep..
Those days we did not have a telephone at home. Not that we could not afford it but that we won't find a telephone everywhere. Yes, i am going to tell my ecstatic feeling when i first used a telephone from my own house to say "hello" to dad. Thanks to the technology I thought.
No computers those days. We used to wait for letters.. spend hours to think and write letters. The arrival of postman induces a tickle in your mind. What were your cousins doing and what were their plans for holidays. A small scribble at the corner of the letter to show their entire love and affection. Wasn't that enough to make you happy?
I used to finish my homework as early as possile and run out to play with my friends. The fresh air energizes our bodies (though i dint think about these at that age). We used to climb trees, play hide and seek hiding in the branches and at the end of the day we will be tired with wounds all around.. yeah proud to get hurt. This of course won't stop my daily activities of playing.
Then we bought a car. My first car. Wow that day was wonderful. I told my friends proudly that we have bought a new car. I used to wash and wipe the car with love and it was great fun.
Then came the era of computers. I remember having a computer at home when i was in 4th standard. Pretty early when compared to others. That computer did not have a harddrive. I needed a floppy to boot the system. A floppy to play Prince in that. Slowly harddrives came into picture. Black and white turned to color. DOS to Windows. Just imagine how happy we would have been at that time seeing this drastic changes.. Again Thanks to technology.
In summers my place is usually very hot and with the power-cuts it made it worse. But we were still happy trying to while away time playing carrom or some board games or anthakshari. Then came my first AC and first inverter to wash out all the worries of summer. And ya I was very excited and relaxed. But I still miss the close moments i spent with parents. Now I never know the feel of power cuts or heat. I just stay at home and watch TV. And if there is a problem in AC or inverter we curse the poor machines and the whole world for being cruel to us. I did not get an opportunity to curse when there was no machines around me.
Then the internet which opened me into the huge big world outside by the click of a mouse. That was a commendable evolution in the field of communication. Then the emails.. Then my FIRST mobile phone. That was actually a dream come true.. So there is a paradox here.. What about the earlier happiness i had mentioned? Letters and playing and telephones? Yep all that happiness were gone. When I was in college i was glued to the mobile and computer highly interactive in the software world.. But where did the physical living people go? Well.. I can still say I was happy(not caring about the people standing near me).
CD became a DVD and now a Blue Ray. Its all the same round thing externally.
Now I got bored of mobiles and computers with new technologies coming out every other day. Nothing seems to surprise me a big deal like any of the above mentioned things did.I just started missing the letters and cards with decorations and love I used to get long back. I miss the physical proof of my beloved ones. Everything is just 0s and 1s stored in my computer or some huge google or yahoo server.. Yeah!!! Those boxes are not even mine. With all those effervescent beginnings is this not a dull phase of my life?
My another observation is like a lot of people of my generation have all the luxuries in life. Car, house, more than a cell phone, laptops and name it we have. I am thinking about the next generation kids who are born with all these luxuries. Now what on earth can make them happy? When I got used to the technological advancements in 20 yrs, the next generation is already in the midst of the advanced world. Won't they be missing the small small happy things which we used to get when we were young? I really pity them because all these are just a history to them. Nobody bothers about history right? They really have to learn the always-boring history of science while we have experienced it. We can't forget. But memorized data is always volatile :P.
Kids now don't expect small things. They expect things larger than life. I am afraid we must be able to face them in future and provide their so called BASIC needs. It is after all our duty like our parents did to us. Expecting the unexpected.
These are the bits and pieces of my mind put together in this page. If you have anything to support me or tell against me please let me know..